
Sweet goldsmithing. Moisés Garrote raises the éclair to the highest category with this delicate and elegant creation with Dalinian inspiration, made with an authentic goldsmith's precision. His admiration for French patisserie is clear in the éclair de pâte a choux, filled with raspberry, topped on this occasion with Wisau 70% dark chocolate and Zamar 39% mousse spheres, reminiscent of the decorations on the walls of the Dalí museum. 

raspberry gelatin

ingredients preparation
  • 25g
    caster sugar
  • 4g
  • 250g
    raspberry puree

Mix the caster sugar and the agar-agar together in a bowl. Place the raspberry purée in a pan and add the previous mixture. Stir until it comes to the boil and then stir for a further 1 minute. Transfer the gelatin to a recipient and cover with cling film in contact. Keep in the refrigerator until 30 minutes before serving

chocolate mousse

ingredients preparation
  • 270g
    35% cream
  • 100g
  • 50g
  • 80g
    Full cream milk
  • 80g
    35% cream
  • 15g
    fine sugar
  • 35g
    egg yolks

Semi-whip the cream (1) and set aside in the refrigerator. Mix the two chocolate couvertures in a bowl. Bring the cream (2) and the milk to the boil. Mix the sugar with the egg yolks and stir until smooth and even. When the cream and milk mixture comes to the boil, gradually mix with the sugar and the egg yolks while stirring constantly. Return the mixture to the heat and bring to 80ºC. Remove from the heat and mix vigorously with the chocolate. When the mixture is smooth and even, leave to cool at room temperature. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and mix together. 

éclairs (pâté à choux)

ingredients preparation
  • 110g
    W200 strong flour
  • 95g
    W300 strong flour
  • 165g
    Full cream milk
  • 3g
  • 160g
  • 4
    whole eggs
  • 10g
  • 95g
    unsalted butter

Sieve the two flours and set aside. Over a medium heat, bring the water, the butter, the salt and the milk to the boil. Remove from the heat and add all the flour at once. Stir vigorously. Heat the mixture again over a low heat to eliminate as much water as possible. Cool at room temperature. Place in a bowl and beat with the hard paddles. Add the eggs at medium-low speed. (Important: you may not need to add all the egg.) When the mixture reaches a slow dropping consistency, stop adding egg. Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Chill in the refrigerator with cling film in contact for 30 minutes. Place the mixture in a piping bag with a 12-14 mm star nozzle. Pipe horizontal lines from one end to the other onto a tray with a Silpat. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Cut into 13 cm pieces and place them on a tray leaving 4 cm between each éclair and lower the oven temperature to 170°C. Bake for 25 mins at 170°C (don't open the oven) Lower the heat to 150ºC and bake for a further 20 mins. Turn off the oven and leave the door half open for 10 mins.

white chocolate whipped ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 250g
    whipping cream
  • 30g
    invert sugar
  • 30g
  • 180g
  • 375g
    whipping cream

In a saucepan, place the 250 g of cream, the invert sugar and the glucose and bring to the boil. Add the previous mixture over the white chocolate and leave for a minute to allow the chocolate to soften. Emulsify with the food processor to obtain a smooth, even mixture. Add the rest of the cream and store in the fridge for 6 hours. Whisk the ganache with a hand-held mixer. 

white chocolate whipped ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 250g
    whipping cream
  • 30g
    invert sugar
  • 30g
  • 180g
  • 375g
    whipping cream

In a saucepan, place the 250 g of cream, the invert sugar and the glucose and bring to the boil. Add the previous mixture over the white chocolate and leave for a minute to allow the chocolate to soften. Emulsify with the food processor to obtain a smooth, even mixture. Add the rest of the cream and store in the fridge for 6 hours. Whisk the ganache with a hand-held mixer. 

hazelnut praline glaze

ingredients preparation
  • 225g
  • 100g
  • 100g
  • 280g
    glucose syrup
  • 135g
    condensed milk
  • 16g
    gelatin leaves
  • 100g
    cold neutral gelatine
  • 300g

In a saucepan, mix the water, sugar, glucose syrup and condensed milk and heat to 90ºC. Remove from the heat. Add the previously soaked gelatin. Gradually mix with the praline and the neutral gelatin. Mix with the food processor and keep in the refrigerator until needed. (It's advisable to use it the day after preparation.) When ready for use, heat in the microwave to 25ºC-28ºC. Mix again with the food processor without lifting the beaters too much to avoid making bubbles. Apply over the completely frozen mousse.

velvet effect coating

ingredients preparation
  • 160g
  • 40g

Temper the chocolate.

chocolate decoration assembly

ingredients preparation
  • 200g

Using the tempered chocolate, make éclair-shaped bases to place the balls on. Using a filling nozzle, fill the éclairs at three points on the base. Apply the raspberry gelatin in the same way. Set aside. Using a spray gun coat half the completely frozen mousse balls. Coat the other half with the hazelnut glaze. Arrange the chocolate decorations on top of each éclair followed by alternate velvet and glazed balls. Decorate with chocolate strips and gold leaf.

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