Chocolate Pistachio Tart

Chocolate Tart Dough

ingredients preparation
  • 350g
  • 200g
  • 4g
  • 60g
  • 500g
    All purpose Flour
  • 40g
    Cocoa Powder Extra Brute
  1. Paddle butter, sugar and salt just until combined
  2. Add in the eggs one at a time to incorporate well
  3. Sift the flour and cocoa powder together
  4. Add in the dry ingredients, mix just until combined
  5. Chill dough, then roll about 3mm thickness
  6. Cut a circle to shape and fit tart ring
  7. Bake at 300F for 15-20 minutes, until done
  8. Once cool, pipe American Almond Pistachio Paste on bottom of tart

Pistachio Cremeaux

ingredients preparation
  • 465g
  • 465g
  • 150g
    Egg Yolks
  • 60g
  • 240g
    Van Leer Bel Lactee
  • 135g
    Van Leer Bel Noir
  • 75g
    American Almond Pistachio Paste
  1. Heat the cream, milk and sugar until simmers
  2. Temper the warm cream into the egg yolks while whisking
  3. Transfer mixture back into the pot and cook to 83*C whisking continuously
  4. Once cooked to 83*, pour over the chocolate and paste
  5. Allow mixture to melt slightly before mixing
  6. Burr mix everything well then use immediately
  7. Cast over the Pistachio Paste, leaving enough room to be glazed

Chocolate Glaze

ingredients preparation
  • 57g
  • 113g
  • 113g
  • 75g
    Evaporated Milk
  • 8g
    Powdered Gelatin
  • 45g
    Cold Water
  • 113g
    Van Leer Bel Noir
  1. Whisk together the cold water and gelatin, set aside to bloom
  2. In a pot, cook the sugar, glucose and first water to 103*C
  3. Take the syrup off the heat and add in the evaporated milk
  4. Add in bloomed gelatin, mix well
  5. Pour over the chocolate, allow heat to melt the chocolate a moment
  6. Burr mix everything together creating an emulsion
  7. Allow glaze to cool to 35-40*C before using
  8. Garnish with American Almond Pistachio Brittle Crunch after glazing

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