
Cinnamon and muscovado waffle, fresh and sharp acidity of raspberries and two derivations of a Madirofolo 65% chocolate to add texture beside the flavors. My true differentiating flavor is Finnish cocoa used as caramelized cocoa nibs to add crunch.

As a kid, I remember eating fresh, warm waffles with the family, mom, dad, my brother and sisters. Back then we had fresh raspberries from our own backyard, vanilla ice cream and cinnamon sugar. My snack is homage to that memory. A  small glimpse back to the days when life was easy -and as an updated version, a reflection towards TMRW.

Cinnamon waffle batter

ingredients preparation
  • 50g
    sunflower oil
  • 200g
    wheat flour
  • 50g
    Oat protein
  • 55g
    Muscovado sugar
  • 4g
    baking powder
  • 3g
    cinnamon powder
  • 2g
    Maldon salt
  • 300g
    coconut cream
  • 200g
    soda water

Mix all

  • cinnamon sugar

Sprinkle & Bake

Whey and combine all ingredients and let stand for 10 min.
Fill the molds and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.
Bake at 220°C, remove from the molds, press gently in the middle to create a crease.

Raspberry and chocolate ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 100g
    Oat milk
  • 200g
    raspberry puree


  • 300g


Heat up the oat milk and puree to approx 55°C
Pour over the chocolate, let stand for a while and emulsify with an immersion blender

Raspberry and chocolate siphon mousse

300g Rasberry-Madirofolo ganache

Mix & pour into siphon 200g semi whipped Oat “whipping cream”

Combine the two ingredients, pour into a siphon and add 2 cartridges of gas.
Shake vigorously and pipe into a metal bowl for use.


Raspberry sorbet

ingredients preparation
  • 225g
    raspberry puree
  • 25g
    Glucose atomized DE 21
  • 65g
  • 119g

Measure all the ingredients into a saucepan and heat to 65⁰C 
Pour into the ice cream machine and turn.

Raspberry & lime salad

ingredients preparation
  • 0.5piece(s)
    lime zest
  • 1piece(s)
    lime juice
  • 80g
  • 40g
  • 65g
    fresh raspberries

Zest the lime into the syrup and bring to a boil
Cut the raspberries in halves 
When the syrup has cooled to approx 50-60C pour it over the raspberries
Cover with cling film and set aside to infuse

Caramelized Cocoa nibs

ingredients preparation
  • 75g
  • 25g

Melt & Caramelize

  • g


Caramelize the sugar, add cocoa nibs and salt
Spread on a sheet for cooling
Break to pieces with a knife and set aside for use

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