Gold & Ruby Chocolate Cake

Gold & Ruby Chocolate Cake

ingredients preparation
  • 225g
    softened butter
  • 225g
    caster sugar

Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy

  • 4g

Gradually beat the eggs into the butter mixture

  • 225

Sieve in the flour and mix well


  • 80g
  • 100g
    fresh raspberries

Gently fold in the fresh raspberries and gold callets 

Pour the mixture into the tin and transfer to the oven to bake for 35- 40 minutes

Once baked, leave to cool


Ruby Ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 225g
  • 180g
    raspberry puree
  • 1
    lemon juice

Melt the ruby callets in a bain marie and gradually add 100g raspberry puree, followed by the lemon juice

Spread the ruby ganache over the top of the cake, chill for 2 hours before cutting 



ingredients preparation
  • 20g
    icing sugar
  • fresh raspberries

Mix together the remaining 80g raspberry puree with the icing sugar and serve with raspberries for decoration

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