Ocoa™ Sour Dough Ice Cream

Ocoa™ Sour Dough Ice Cream
ingredients | preparation |
Heat in a saucepan to 40ºC. |
Add stirring conitinuously |
Heat to 85ºC. |
Remove from heat, add |
Quickly chill to 4ºC |
Mix in a blender and run through the ice cream maker |
Keep at -18ºC. |
Cocoa pulp
ingredients | preparation |
Mix in a saucepan |
Bring to a boil, stirring continuously. |
Balsamic meringue
ingredients | preparation |
Mix together in a bowl |
Heat in a bain marie to 65ºC until the sugar dissolves. |
Other ingredients
In a deep dish, place a drop of the cocoa pulp, the Chocolate Drops 50% and the fresh litchis on top. |