CARMA® White Niobo Rose & Lime Bonbon

CARMA® White Niobo 34% Rose and Lime Ganache

ingredients preparation

Melt the coverture at 35°C. Place the cream into a pan alongside with the sugars - dextrose, glucose and sorbitol - and heat it up to 45°C.

Blend well all the ingredients together with the addition of the butter, until obtaining a stable emulsion. Place the ganache into a piping bag and let it cool down to approximately 28°C before use.


Structure and Decor

ingredients preparation

Prepare the bonbon shells by making drops with colored pre-crystallised cocoa butter (yellow, pink, green, red and white). Make sure the molds are cleaned and polished before starting. Once the cocoa butter has set, fill the mold with CARMA® White Nuit Blanche 37% to create the hollow shells. When the chocolate sets completely, fill with the pralines with the CARMA® White Niobo 34% ganache and allow to crystallise for approx. 8 hours before closing the bonbons. Place them in the fridge for about 15 minutes before unmolding.

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