Almond Butter Smoothie Bowl

For the Almond Butter Granola

ingredients preparation
  • 110g
  • 110g
  • 5g
    vanilla paste
  • 230g
  • 2g
  • 50g
  1. Mix together the honey, almond butter and vanilla.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine the oats, cinnamon and sliced almonds.
  3. Add the almond butter mixture to the oat mixture.
  4. Spread on to a sheet tray and bake at 320°F until done.

For the Berry Almond Smoothie

ingredients preparation
  • 150g
  • 240g
    frozen strawberries
  • 86g
    almond milk
  • 30g
  • 41g
  • 60g
  • 15g
    chia seeds
  • g
  1. Combine everything in a blender until smooth.
  2. Top with granola, nuts, fresh fruit, American Almond Almond Butter and American Almond Coconut Crunch.

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