Get in touch with us to discover more about our coatings & fillings

cereal bar filled and coated

Get in touch with us to discover more about our coatings & fillings

If you would like to learn more about our compound coatings & fillings portfolio, please fill out the form below. We will follow up with you soon.

Coatings & Fillings product ranges

An intense dark chocolate filling with 8% chocolate and a fluid texture.
  • range
  • Texture
  • Vegetable fat
    Non-Hydrogenated, Without Palm

A intense hazelnut filling with a creamy texture.

  • range
  • Texture
    Soft And Creamy
  • Vegetable fat
    Non-Hydrogenated, Palm-based

Fast melting sweet and milky white filling. Perfect base for a creamy butterfilling.

  • range
  • Fineness
  • Melting profile
  • Texture

An aeratable white filling with maltitol and without added sugars.*

  • range
  • Melting profile
  • Texture
  • Vegetable fat
    Non-Hydrogenated, Palm-based

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