Milk Chocolate And Grapefruit Molded Bonbons

I really enjoy the zest flavor of grapefruit with the cocoa and delicate tones of the Callebaut 823 chocolate.

Mold Decoration

ingredients preparation
  1. Carefully clean the mold with a soft cloth to remove fingerprints, marks or blemishes.
  2. Pour each IBC cocoa butter in a separate piping bag and roll them on the counter until they thicken and crystallize. Pour them back into the bottles.
  3. Place the chocolate mold on a sheet of parchment paper. Pour some cocoa butter on another small piece of parchment paper and dip a toothbrush in. Flick some cocoa butter inside the mold then turn the mold upside down and wipe it clean on a piece of paper towel.
  4. Repeat with the other two cocoa butter colors.
  5. In a small bowl, mix some kirsch with some IBC creative gold powder. Dip the sponge in and dab the mold. Turn the mold upside down and wipe it clean on a piece of paper towel.
  6. Allow to set until dry.

Mold Shelling

ingredients preparation
  • 823NV
  1. Pour some pre-crystallized chocolate into a piping bag and cut a small hole.
  2. Pipe the chocolate into the cavities of the prepared mold and tap it to remove air bubbles.
  3. Turn the mold upside down and tap it to remove the excess chocolate. Scrape it clean and let it set upside down on a sheet of parchment paper for 3 minutes.
  4. Scrape the mold clean and allow it to crystallize at 10ºC to 12ºC (50ºF to 53ºF) for about an hour or until set.

Grapefruit Gel

ingredients preparation
  • 125g
    grapefruit juice
  • 65g
    Sugar #1
  • 4g
    yellow pectin
  • 90g
    Sugar #2
  1. Warm up the grapefruit juice and sugar #1.
  2. In a small bowl, mix the pectin and sugar #2. Take the saucepan off the heat and add the pectin mix.
  3. Place the saucepan back on the heat and warm to 103ºC (217ºF) while constantly mixing.
  4. Pour the gel mix into a piping bag and cool it by rolling it on the counter until the temperature reaches 29ºC (84ºF).
  5. Pipe some grapefruit gel into each mold cavity and fill to about 1/3 of each cavity.
  6. Allow the gel to set for about an hour at 10 to 12ºC (50ºF to 53ºF).

Grapefruit Ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 220g
  • 90g
    grapefruit juice
  • 10g
  1. Pour the grapefruit juice and zest into the saucepan and warm to 32ºC (89ºC).
  2. Pour the warm juice on the precrystallized chocolate and whisk well.
  3. Blend with the hand blender until completely emulsified.
  4. Pour the ganache into a piping bag and roll it on the counter to cool slightly.
  5. Pipe the ganache into the molds until about 1mm(0.04”) from the top of the cavities.
  6. Allow to crystallize at 10 to 12ºC for about one hour.

Closing The Chocolates

ingredients preparation
  • 823NV
  1. Warm the top of the chocolate mold with the heat gun.
  2. Pour some precrystallized chocolate into a piping bag and pipe a thick line of chocolate on the first four rows of cavities. Cover the mold with the guitar sheet and scrape the chocolate until it covers all the cavities.
  3. Allow the chocolate to crystallize at 10 to 12ºC (50ºF to 53ºF) for about an hour.
  4. To unmold, remove the guitar sheet, twist the mold and cover with a parchment paper sheet and a metal tray. Turn the mold upside down and remove the mold. If the chocolates don’t come out, tap the mold a few times to release them.

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