Celebration or wedding cake cupcake

Cupcakes make for an endless source of inspiration. This festive cupcake recipe combines a lovely moist and dense cake base with sweet caramel chocolate ganache. Of course you can decorate them any way you desire to fit all seasonal events all year round.


Created by
  • Julie Sharp - UK & Ireland Head of Chocolate Academy

Cake base

ingredients preparation
  • 200g
  • 200g
    caster sugar

Cream together.

  • 200g
    whole egg(s)
  • 1spoon(s)
    IBC red origins colour (Ref. 201 015)

Beat together.
Then add gradually to creamed margarine and sugar with a little sieved flour.

  • 175g
    self-raising flour
  • 25g

Sieve together.
Then fold into the the egg-margarine mixture.

  • 2spoon(s)
    orange zest
Fold in.

Pipe into 20 cupcake cases.
Bake 20-25 min. at 180°C.
Leave to cool.

Ganache topping

ingredients preparation
  • 250g
    whipping cream

Cool slightly.

  • 250g

Pour the cream onto the Callets™.
Stir togethter.
Allow to set.

Aerate the caramel ganache to piping consistency.

Tip: To keep the chocolate cupcake moist, soak the top of the cake with stock syrup (50% sugar and water boiled together), which can be flavoured with Cointreau.


ingredients preparation
  • Q.S.
  • Q.S.

Cut and remove the top of the cupcake at an angle. Pipe in a bulb of Callebaut® Caramel Fill into each cupcake. Put the cut-off cupcake top back on. 
Pipe a Rosette of aerated Caramel Ganache onto each cupcake using a star nozzle. Mask the bottom edge of each cupcake with Callebaut® caramel Blossoms
Position one chocolate strip and one butterfly onto each cupcake.

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