Irish Choc-o-laté


Created by
  • Dries Delanghe - Senior Chef, Chocolate Academy™ Belgium


ingredients preparation
  • 50ml
  • 40ml
    Irish Whisky
  • 20g
    brown sugar
  • 75ml
    strong coffee
  • 30g
    Cream 35%, semi whipped

1. Slightly warm up the choc-o-late and pour in the glass.

2. Steam together the whisky and the brown sugar until 80°c and pour on top of the choc-o-late, be careful while pouring so you create layers.

3.Pour the warm coffee on top of the whisky.

4. Gently pour the semi whipped cream on top of the coffee and finish the Irish choc-o-coffee with Callebaut cocoa powder. 

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