Amor 20.25

Alto El Sol 65% Chocolate Mousse

ingredients preparation
  • 8g
  • 250g
  • 1/2
    Tonka beans
  • 300g
  • 500g
    36% cream

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Boil up milk and tonka bean.

Put in gelatin.

Pour it over Cacao Barry - Alto El Sol 65% and mix it well.

Fold whipped cream.

Fill it in a piping bag.

Cocoa Nibs Caramel

ingredients preparation
  • 200g
  • 20g
  • 40g
  • 1g
    ascorbic acid

Boil up all ingredients to 165 °C and pour it on a silicone mat.

Cool it down and mix it to a powder.

Sieving powder on a silicone mat and melt it for 1 minute at 180 °C.

Pull it around a dessert ring and cool it down.

Shortbread Crumbles

ingredients preparation
  • 80g
    whole walnuts without shell
  • 80g
    granulated sugar
  • 32g
    unsalted butter 82%
  • 20g
    walnut oil
  • 80g
    cake flour
  • 75g
    walnut oil
  • 60g
  • 30g
    icing sugar
  • 1g
    sea salt

Blend walnuts, granulated sugar, butter, walnut oil (20 gram) and wheat flour and bake it at 180 °C for 17 minutes.

Mix it with remaining ingredients.

Red Whortleberry Coulis

ingredients preparation
  • 10g
    granulated sugar
  • 3g
    NH pectin
  • 1g
    ascorbic acid
  • 250g
    Red whortleberry
  • 40g
    Maple syrup

Mix dry ingredients and boil it up with red whortleberry and maple syrup.

Cool it down and fill it in a piping bag.

Red Whortleberry – Gel

ingredients preparation
  • 200g
    Red whortleberry
  • 260g
    port wine
  • 1/2
    vanilla bean
  • 1/2
    cinnamon stick
  • 3g
    agar agar

Boil up red whortleberry, port wine, vanilla bean and cinnamon stick.

Strain it and boil it again with Agar Agar.

Cool it down, mix it well and fill it in a piping bag.

Tobacco Cream

ingredients preparation
  • 180g
    36% cream
  • 40g
    Maple syrup
  • 2g
    tobacco from a cigar

Put all ingredients in a vacuum bag for vacuuming.

Steep for 3 hours.

Strain it, whip it and fill it in a piping bag.

Red Whortleberry Chip

ingredients preparation
  • 100g
    Red whortleberry
  • 1g
  • 25g
    isomalt sugar
  • 20g
    granulated sugar
  • 5g
    glucose syrup

Heat up all ingredients to 70 °C and mix it well.

Spread on a silicone mat and bake it at 120 °C for 30 minutes.

Cut 7 cm circles.

Caramelized Walnuts

ingredients preparation
  • 40g
    granulated sugar
  • 20g
  • 1/2
    vanilla bean
  • 120g
    whole walnuts without shell
  • 10g
    unsalted butter 82%

Boil up sugar, water and vanilla bean to 115 °C and put in walnuts.

Caramelize walnuts and add butter.

Red Whortleberry Crème Chiboust

ingredients preparation
  • 2g
  • 125g
    egg white
  • 25g
  • 100g
    granulated sugar
  • 80g
    red whortleberry puree
  • 36g
    mapple syrup
  • 16g
    cake flour
  • 75g
  • 80g
    36% cream

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Boil up sugar and water to 118 °C and make an Italian meringue.

Cook puree and add maple syrup, wheat flour, egg yolk and cream.

Add gelatin and fold Italian meringue.

Fill it in a piping bag and cool it down.


ingredients preparation
  • 400g
  • 4
    gold leaves
  • 50g
    shiso cress

Temper chocolate and make rings, and cylinders.

Put a cylinder on a plate, fill it with mousse, crumbles, coulis, gel, whipped cream and creme chiboust.

Decorate it with chip, walnut and chocolate ring.

Finish it with gold leaves and cress.

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