Hyper Indulgent Inclusions & Toppings
Consumers are looking for hyper indulgence in their ice cream treats, whether it is through more chocolate inclusions or heavenly swirls of flavor.
From the “freak shake” trend to companies creating “loaded sundaes” on the retail shelves, these decadent products provide consumers with more indulgent ice cream inclusions and toppings.
Show-stopping Appearance
Ice cream is definitely a category in which products do not have to be smooth and perfect.
From Barry Callebaut’s own 2018 consumer research, we learned that 60% of North American consumers agree that premium ice cream can have an irregular, or non-uniform appearance. 3
Barry Callebaut sees artisans and brands bringing this ice cream trend to life through the integration of deliciously crunchy toppings, especially on popsicles and ice cream sticks.