Almond Cherry Rochers

Yield: 15 almond cherry rochers



ingredients preparation
  • 96g
  • 227g
  • 35g
    dried cherries or cranberries, finely diced
  • 27g
    puffed grains
  1. Press the American Almond® almond paste into a disc about ½-inch thick on a sheet pan that has been lined with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Cut the paste into ¼” strips and each strip into ¼” cubes. Chill the cubed paste in the cooler for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, place the dried fruit and puffed grains in a bowl. In a separate bowl, temper the Van Leer Bel Noir 54% dark chocolate.
  3. Once the dark chocolate is tempered and the American Almond® almond paste is chilled, add the almond paste to the bowl of dried fruit and grains. Gently stir in the tempered chocolate to coat all the ingredients. Quickly pour the mixture onto a piece of parchment or silicone baking mat and divide the mixture up into clusters or use a scoop and scoop the mixture onto the parchment or baking mat.
  4. Store at room temperature.

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