1 - Claim sugar reduction
Decreasing the sugar level in the product range is picking up speed. To claim the “reduced in sugar” label, the overall sugar level in a product should be 30% lower than the market average. Alpro and Haagen-Dazs have successful claimed a lower sugar level in the new products they launched. In order to use a label claiming sugar reduction, the ice cream should also contain sugar-reduced chocolate.
2 - Without added sugar
Ice cream is following the lead of other product categories such as snack bars, confectionery, baked goods and sweets to develop guilt-free products. Products “without added sugar” have proven particularly popular. This label is used most often in the ice cream category compared to other claims. The number of product launches with a “no added sugar” certification has doubled between 2017 and 2018. This claim is often combined with other labels such as “high-protein” and “vegan” or “dairy-free”.
3 - Beyond sugar: calorie reduction
Besides reducing the sugar level in products, decreasing the calorie level in ice cream is key when working on a guilt-free product range. However, it is important to keep in mind that ice cream is inevitably linked with indulgence. Taste is still the number one purchase driver. In other words, reducing the sugar level of ice cream should not compromise the product’s taste. Halo Top, for instance, has been a highly successful brand these past years because its continued focus on delicious flavors.
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Discover our sugar solution range for chocolate to work into your “reduced in sugar” ice cream and get inspired to join the sugar-reduction trend.