Jean-Didier is a 39 years old Ivorian cocoa farmer, married with 3 children, living in the Lôh-Djiboua region. He’s coming from a cocoa farmer's family and started his own 2.5 hectares farm in 2011.
As part of the Cocoa Horizons program, Jean-Didier benefited from training on Good Agricultural Practices and got access to Farm Services like the Farm Business Plan. It means that together with the coach, a farm diagnosis was established to define a multi-year plan with recommendations to increase his yield and income. Improving the productivity of cocoa farms is a key area of focus. The Farm Business Plan is the cornerstone of the process to improve the livelihoods of farmers and their communities.
Since the past year, our Farm Services model has been reinforced with an innovative pre-harvest approach. It started from the observation that farmers only spend 70% of the time in post-harvest and only 30% in pre-harvest. Pre-harvest investments, especially pruning and soil inputs, are critical to improving cocoa yields and income. For farmers, assuming the financial cost of pre-harvest work and soil inputs remains a challenge. Therefore, as of this year, through the funds of the program, we are supporting farmers with professional labor teams and soil input subsidies.