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4 products


Dark chocolate chips M without added sugar

Without added sugar medium dark chocolate chips with maltitol as a sugar replacer. They are non-vibrated, for non-added sugar oriented baking and cereal applications. Bake stable thanks to the low fat content.

  • Shape
  • Size
    10500 pcs/kg
  • Min. % Dry cocoa solids
Dark chocolate chips M without added sugar

Without added sugar medium dark chocolate chips with maltitol as a sugar replacer. They are non-vibrated, for non-added sugar oriented baking and cereal applications. Bake stable thanks to the low fat content.

  • Shape
  • Size
    7500 pcs/kg
  • Min. % Dry cocoa solids
Tintoretto White Without Added Sugars

An aeratable white filling with maltitol and without added sugars.*

  • Melting profile
  • Texture
  • Vegetable fat
    Non-Hydrogenated, Palm-based

Praliné filling without added sugar with an intense hazelnut flavor. Sugar is replaced by maltitol yet this filling has a nice, sweet flavor.