Barry Callebaut Americas shines in media for Q2


Barry Callebaut Americas shines in media for Q2

Barry Callebaut’s Region Americas kicked off the second quarter of Fiscal Year ‘22/’23 with various media placements highlighting regional accomplishments.

From healthy cocoa powder to “glam” hot chocolate, Barry Callebaut Region Americas brought sweetness to the headlines.


First, Barry Callebaut, the leading manufacturer of high-quality cocoa and chocolate products, announced a USD 100 million investment in its Chatham, ON, Canada plant, which was reported on outlets like AP News and Chicago’s WGN-TV. Barry Callebaut made another appearance on WGN-TV with Chef Domenica Lazo to demonstrate how to “glam” up your hot chocolate with special ingredients on the syndicated show “Daytime Chicago.”  


Chef Alissa Wallers shared the latest news about Barry Callebaut’s innovations on the Steve Cochran Show


In February, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established a qualified health claim with Barry Callebaut, certifying that high-flavanol cocoa powder can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.  The milestone was featured on National Public Radio (NPR), among others.


Take a look at the Barry Callebaut Americas' Q2 Sizzle Reel below:

Chefs Domenica Lazo and Alissa Wallers
Chef Domenica Lazo (top) and Chef Alissa Wallers (bottom)
karly carson

Karly Carson

A creative storyteller with an eye for visual design, Karly is the Communications Coordinator for Region Americas. Seated in the region's Chicago Headquarters, she curates content from around the region for both external and internal audiences. You can find her trying a new restaurant in the city every week. Ask her for food recommendations!

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